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Complementary cost-benefit assessment for the Integrated Reporting Framework

Between 2020 and 2021, the European System of Central Banks carried out a cost-benefit assessment on the Integrated Reporting Framework (IReF). Subsequently, further aspects that would be worth considering when drafting the IReF Regulation were identified. An additional assessment by the banking industry and other stakeholders was therefore needed.

For example, further information was needed on the possibility of integrating country-specific requirements that are common across the euro area into the IReF. Closer alignment between the IReF and the ECB Regulation on reporting of supervisory financial information (FINREP solo reporting) may also be beneficial for both reporting agents and authorities.

To collect this additional information, the ECB launched a complementary cost-benefit assessment (complementary CBA) that was carried out between 5 May 2023 and 31 July 2023.

The national central banks of the Eurosystem, along with Sveriges Riksbank, selected representative national respondents so as to ensure a minimum coverage of 80% of their domestic banks in terms of total assets and include institutions of all sizes and types.

Additionally, any credit institution and deposit-taking corporation other than credit institutions resident in a participating country could express an interest in completing the questionnaire.

The public reports on the analytical results from the complementary CBA can be found via the links below.

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