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quantitative easing

qualifying holding

A holding in a credit institution which represents 10% or more of the capital or of the voting rights, or which makes it possible to exercise a significant influence over the management of that credit institution.

queue management

Rules and procedures that determine the order in which transfer orders are released from the queue and processed – e.g. “first in, first out” (FIFO). Optimisation routines may or may not be used. See also optimisation routine, queuing


An arrangement whereby transfer orders are held in a queue by the sending participant or by the system until they can be processed in accordance with the rules of the system. In an RTGS system, payments are typically “queued” because of a lack of funds or insufficient access to intraday credit. In netting systems, payments are “queued” in order to prevent caps from being exceeded. See also cap (limit), real-time gross settlement (RTGS) system

quick tender

The tender procedure used by the Eurosystem for fine-tuning operations when it is deemed desirable to have a rapid impact on the liquidity situation in the market. Quick tenders are executed within a time frame of one hour and are restricted to a limited set of counterparties.

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