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ECB hosts second Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI) Regional Meeting for Europe and Central Asia

1 November 2013

The European Central Bank will host the second Child & Youth Finance Regional Meeting for Europe and Central Asia in Frankfurt am Main on 4-5 November 2013.

The meeting aims to combine efforts and strengthen cooperation in Europe and central Asia in the field of financial education and inclusion for children and young people. The meeting should stimulate discussions and highlight the role of European institutions in leading initiatives in economic citizenship. It will also give a group of around 25 young people an opportunity to contribute to the discussion and share their views directly with policy-makers. They will be speaking on behalf of 1,000 young people from Europe and central Asia, and presenting action points geared towards reshaping their own financial future.

This meeting will bring together representatives from ministries of education, ministries of finance, central banks, children’s rights organisations, multilateral agencies, education practitioners, financial institutions, academics, media personalities and other leaders in their fields.

ECB Vice-President Vítor Constâncio will open the meeting and ECB President Mario Draghi will make some closing remarks. The final session with the President will be webcast via our website on 5 November 2013 starting at 2.30 p.m.

The complete programme is available at http://europe.childfinanceinternational.org/index.php/program-schedule.

For media queries, please contact Oguzhan Bilgic, Tel.: +49 69 1344 5057.


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