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ECB Annual Photography Award 2008 - Europe

26 November 2008

2008 marks the tenth anniversary of the European Central Bank (ECB). This year's Cultural Days of the ECB and - in its framework - the 5th ECB Annual Photography Award were dedicated to the European Union, inviting young artists to participate from the 27 Member States with the theme ‘Europe’. On Monday, 24 November 2008 at the premises of the ECB, the first prize was handed over to Lucia Nimcová (€10,000) from Slovakia, the second prize to Wytske van Keulen (€6,000) from the Netherlands, and the third prize to Raphaël Dallaporta (€4,000), from France. The winners received their prizes from Elisabeth Ardaillon-Poirier, Director Communications. The prize-winning photographs as well as those by the seven runners-up – Kathrin Kur, Friso Keuris, Weronika Łodzińska-Duda/Andrzej Kramarz, Melanie Friend, Vera Weisgerber, Vesselina Nikolaeva and Jens Olof Lasthein – are on display at the European Central Bank until 18 December 2008.

Information about the exhibition

European Central Bank, Kaiserstrasse 29, 60311 Frankfurt am Main

The exhibition runs from 25 November to 18 December and may only be visited as part of a guided tour at 6 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. To register for a tour, please call +49 69 1344 5329 or send an e-mail to photoaward@ecb.europa.eu

Press contact

Eszter Miltényi, Press Officer

Tel.: + 49 69-1344 8034, Fax: + 49 69 1344 7404, e-mail: eszter.miltenyi@ecb.europa.eu


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