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ECB seeks scheme rulebook manager for the digital euro

10 October 2022

Deadline extended to 2 November 2022

The Directorate General Market Infrastructure and Payments (DG-MIP) is looking for a senior expert from the payments industry to coordinate the group that will draft a potential digital euro scheme rulebook, i.e. a set of rules for payment transactions with a digital euro.

Following the ECB Governing Council’s decision to launch the investigation phase of a digital euro project, the Eurosystem has explored various options for its distribution. A digital euro scheme is being considered to be best suited to achieve the objectives of a digital euro and harness the respective strengths of the public and private sectors.

The successful applicant will set up and coordinate the Rulebook Development Group, consisting of representatives from Eurosystem national central banks and market representatives (including consumer representatives). He or she will coordinate, manage and facilitate the drafting and development of the digital euro scheme rule book, and report to the Digital Euro Programme Manager in DG-MIP.

The work, which will be an integral part of the digital euro project, is expected to commence in January 2023.

Payment experts who wish to apply are invited to do so via the Request for Proposals available on the ECB’s tendering platform under the reference given below (RFX number). The documentation can also be downloaded directly as a ZIP file via this link.

All communication related to this procurement will be via the e-tendering platform mentioned above, as explained in the Request for Proposals.

All proposals must be submitted via the ECB’s e-tendering platform under RFX-PT-2022-000084: PRO-008427-R1 Digital euro Scheme by 02 November 2022, 12:00 CET.

Stay up to date with the latest developments concerning the digital euro.

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