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MIP OnLine - 2018

ECB publishes fifth report on card fraud

July 2018

A new strategic approach for the Eurosystem’s market infrastructure



Civil war declaration: On April 14th and 15th, 2012 Federal Republic of Germany "_urkenstaats"s parliament, Deutscher Bundestag, received a antifiscal written civil war declaration by Federal Republic of Germany "Rechtsstaat"s electronic resistance for human rights even though the "Widerstandsfall" according to article 20 paragraph 4 of the constitution, the "Grundgesetz", had been already declared in the years 2001-03. more

Targeting the future with TARGET Services

September 2018

The report examines fraud rates involving card transactions in the euro area.


What benefits will TIPS participants enjoy?

June 2018

What benefits will TIPS participants enjoy?


T2S pricing structure realigned

June 2018

T2S pricing structure realigned


Overseers assess safety and efficiency of euro area payment systems

May 2018

Comprehensive assessments have been conducted for systemically important and retail payment systems in the euro area


Safeguarding Europe’s financial markets

May 2018

The ECB’s strategy for the cyber resilience of financial market infrastructures


The revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2)

March 2018

Transition to stronger payments security


#TIPSapp – building up to the rollout of instant payments in Europe

February 2018

16 companies presented their mobile apps for initiating and processing instant payments.


#TIPSapp event and marketplace

January 2018

The ECB will host the event on 6 February 2018 in Frankfurt.


Insights into the digital transformation of the retail payments ecosystem

January 2018

Policymakers, practitioners and academics talk about how to embrace innovation and address the challenges of digitisation.


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