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DelC 6.3 Delors Committee documents

Note Complementaire sur la Proposition Tendant a Creer un Fonds de Reserve Europeen

Archival reference: DelC 6.3

Complementary Notes on the Proposal for the Creation of a European Reserve Fund

Archival reference: DelC 6.3

01/12/1988 -20/06/1989
First Stages Towards the Creation of a European Reserve Bank. The Creation of a European Reserve Fund, with notes

Archival reference: DelC 6.3

01/12/1988 -16/06/1989
First Stages Towards the Creation of a European Reserve Bank. The Creation of a European Reserve Fund, with notes

Archival reference: DelC 6.3

01/12/1988 -08/06/1989
Telefax from J. Redouin to G. Baer, with a draft of the paper First Stages Towards the Creation of a European Reserve Bank. The Creation of a European Reserve Fund in English and French

Archival reference: DelC 6.3

Premieres Etapes Vers la Creation d'une Banque de Reserve Europeenne. La Creation d'un Fonds de Reserve Europeen

Archival reference: DelC 6.3

Letter from J. Redouin to G. Baer announcing that he has sent copies of the two versions of the paper

Archival reference: DelC 6.3

Letter to G. Baer announcing the sending of copies of two versions of the paper (Redacted)

Archival reference: DelC 6.3

Premieres Etapes vers la Creation d'une Banque de Reserve Europeenne

Archival reference: DelC 6.3

First Stages Towards the Creation of a European Reserve Bank

Archival reference: DelC 6.3

28/10/1988 -02/11/1988
Telefax sent to G. Baer with a note on the First Stages Towards the Creation of a European Reserve Bank

Archival reference: DelC 6.3

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