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Níl an t-ábhar seo ar fáil i nGaeilge.

Domestic payments – 2002

in each RTGS system participating in or connected to TARGET: Value of transactions (EUR billions)
2002 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2002 AV
( 1 ) A significant share of the total value of transactions is related to liquidity transfers between the home accounts of the participants at the Bundesbank and their RTGSplus accounts. This type of transaction did not exist in the ELS system and is thus not included in the German RTGS statistics prior to the start of operation of RTGSplus (November 2001). However, it may be included in the statistics of other countries included in this table. The ECB is examining ways of increasing the comparability of the payment statistics reported by the different national central banks and the ECB.
Total value 233.3 191.8 210.1 208.0 176.9 192.4 235.0 162.7 181.9 187.8 162.1 200.4  
Daily average 10.6 9.6 10.5 9.9 8 9.6 10.2 7.4 8.7 8.2 7.7 10.0 9.2
Total value 414.3 347.2 334.1 364.6 346.7 294.6 329.8 255.6 258.1 292.2 263.7 343.3  
Daily average 18.8 17.4 16.7 17.4 16 14.7 14.3 11.6 12.3 12.7 12.6 17.2 15.1
RTGSplus (DE) ( 1 )
Total value 8,163.5 6,719.8 7,275.6 7,230.7 7,572.0 7,222.8 8,310.8 7,547.6 7,376.2 8,270.4 7,590.6 8,538.1  
Daily average 371.1 336.0 363.8 344.3 344 361.1 361.3 343.1 351.2 359.6 361.5 426.9 360.1
Total value 10.1 7.3 9.3 2.1 2.6 2.5 6.1 5.1 2.6 2.4 2.6 3.6  
Daily average 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.1 0 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2
Total value 4,782.9 4,687.8 4,159.2 4,396.9 5,809.6 5,009.9 5,090.4 4,188.2 4,381.4 5,743.6 5,744.5 4,903.9  
Daily average 217.4 234.4 208.0 209.4 264 250.5 221.3 190.4 208.6 249.7 273.5 245.2 231.0
Total value 160.9 159 171.0 158.6 188.5 156.5 157.9 155.1 143.7 164.8 209.1 177.5  
Daily average 7.3 7.9 8.6 7.6 9 7.8 6.9 7.0 6.8 7.2 10.0 8.9 7.9
Total value 6,726.9 5,896.9 5,399.0 5,856.1 5,893.5 5,939.1 6,474.3 5,889.7 6,167.8 6,829.4 5,849.3 6,376.6  
Daily average 305.8 294.8 269.9 278.9 268 297.0 281.5 267.7 293.7 296.9 278.5 318.8 287.4
Total value 571.5 466.5 547.9 554.3 569.3 536.7 542.2 496.7 549.4 585.7 555.9 621.6  
Daily average 26.0 23.3 27.4 26.4 26 26.8 23.6 22.6 26.2 25.5 26.5 31.1 25.9
Total value 148.4 97.8 89.1 102.5 102.3 100.1 120.4 114.8 122.2 131.5 132.0 164.2  
Daily average 6.7 4.9 4.2 4.7 5 5.0 5.2 5.2 5.8 5.7 6.3 8.2 5.6
Total value 251.4 253.0 268.1 272.4 292.6 249.7 261.9 237.3 239.1 277.8 241.3 243.5  
Daily average 11.4 12.7 13.4 13.0 13 12.5 11.4 10.8 11.4 12.1 11.5 12.2 12.1
Total value 1,490.4 1,152.3 1,258.6 1,359.0 1,452.1 1,366.1 1,453.7 1,229.3 1,306.1 1,401.1 1,290.2 1,596.6  
Daily average 67.7 57.6 62.9 64.7 66 68.3 63.2 55.9 62.2 60.9 61.4 79.8 64.1
LIPS-Gross (LU)
Total value 95.6 87.3 84.6 100.5 79.1 83.2 121.4 104.7 110.5 137.9 105.6 119.4  
Daily average 4.3 4.4 4.2 4.8 4 4.2 5.3 4.8 5.3 6.0 5.0 6.0 4.8
Total value 899.2 802.1 751 786.5 824.6 778.2 881.7 789.2 763.9 826.1 728.5 768.8  
Daily average 40.9 40.1 37.5 37.5 37 38.9 38.3 35.9 36.4 35.9 34.7 38.4 37.6
Total value 120.7 101.1 104 106.8 117.9 105.5 113.5 94.6 106.6 113.8 88.8 101.0  
Daily average 5.5 5.1 5.2 5.1 5 5.3 4.9 4.3 5.1 4.9 4.2 5.0 5.0
Euro RIX (SE)
Total value 10.5 7.9 5 7.0 7.1 6.8 7.4 6.0 2.3 4.2 9.6 8.5  
Daily average 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.3

Úsáideann ár suíomh gréasáin fianáin

Bainimid úsáid as fianáin fheidhmiúla chun roghanna úsáideora a stóráil; fianáin tríú páirtí arna socrú ag seirbhísí tríú páirtí atá comhtháite sa suíomh gréasáin.

Tá sé de rogha agat glacadh leo nó iad a dhiúltú. Le haghaidh tuilleadh faisnéise nó chun athbhreithniú a dhéanamh ar do rogha maidir leis na fianáin agus na logaí freastalaí a úsáidimid, iarraimid ort an méid seo a leanas a dhéanamh:

Léigh ár ráiteas príobháideachais

Faigh tuilleadh eolais faoin gcaoi a n-úsáidimid fianáin