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Special categories of counterparties

  • Question ID: 2017/0008
  • Date of publication: 09/08/2017
  • Subject matter: Special categories of counterparties
  • AnaCredit Manual: Centralised code lists
  • Data attribute: Counterparty identifier


Could you clarify which data attributes from the counterparty reference dataset have to be reported if the counterparty is an MFI or an international organisation?


Unless otherwise decided by the relevant NCB, for a counterparty included in the list of monetary and financial institutions (MFIs) (link) the “counterparty identifier” is the only data attribute from the counterparty reference dataset reported to the relevant NCB. Unless otherwise communicated by the relevant NCB, the RIAD_CODE (first column of the table) is used as the counterparty identifier for all entities included in the list.

It should be observed that such “reduced” reporting obligations do not apply if the “counterparty role” is a debtor. Therefore, for an MFI playing the role of a debtor, the general reporting obligations regarding the reference data attributes are applicable (Table 2 and 3 in the Annex to AnaCredit Regulation).

Unless otherwise decided by the relevant NCB, for a counterparty which is included in the list of international organisations (link) the “counterparty identifier” is the only data attribute from the counterparty reference dataset reported to the relevant NCB. Differently from the case of MFIs, this applies irrespective of the role of the counterparty (hence including the case of debtors). Moreover, reporting agents are informed by the relevant NCB about the counterparty identifier to be used for each international organisation included in the list.


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