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Consolidated opening financial statement of the Eurosystem as at 1 January 2023

10 January 2023

Following the adoption of the euro by Croatia, Hrvatska narodna banka joined the Eurosystem on 1 January 2023. The ECB is therefore publishing a consolidated opening financial statement of the Eurosystem as at 1 January 2023, which includes the balance sheet figures of Hrvatska narodna banka. Items previously denominated in Croatian kuna have been moved from items “denominated in foreign currency” to items “denominated in euro”. Transactions and balances on accounts held with residents of Croatia have been moved from “non-euro area” balance sheet items to “euro area” items. Furthermore, the item capital and reserves (liability item 12) has increased in comparison with that in the consolidated financial statement as at 30 December 2022 on account of the entry of Hrvatska narodna banka into the Eurosystem.

The content and format of the weekly financial statement are set out in Annexes IV to VI of Guideline (EU) 2016/2249 of the European Central Bank of 3 November 2016 on the legal framework for accounting and financial reporting in the European System of Central Banks (ECB/2016/34).


Europese Centrale Bank

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