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Euro money market statistics and the €STR: Expansion of reporting population

21 April 2023

  • 24 new banks to be added on 1 July 2024 to the 47 banks currently reporting to the Money Market Statistics Reporting (MMSR)
  • Data from these new banks to be included in the euro short-term rate (€STR) at a later stage to continue providing a robust and reliable benchmark

The European Central Bank (ECB) has decided to expand the reporting population for Money Market Statistics Reporting (MMSR) by adding 24 new banks to the 47 banks currently reporting. The new MMSR reporting banks will start reporting on 1 July 2024, contributing to a higher representativeness of the MMSR data published by the ECB. At the same time the ECB has reviewed the current MMSR reporting population and decided to remove one bank from the reporting population. The ECB, as administrator of the euro short-term rate (€STR), has also decided that the inclusion of the MMSR data from the new reporting agents in the calculation of the €STR will take place at a later stage to ensure that the newly reported data is of sufficiently good quality. The increase in the reporting population will further support the robustness and reliability of the benchmark.

For media queries, please contact
Philippe Rispal, tel.: +49 69 1344 5482.


  • Money market statistical reporting is governed by ECB Regulation No 1333/2014 of 26 November 2014 (ECB/2014/48) concerning statistics on the money markets. Daily data collection by the ECB, conducted with the support of several national central banks, started in July 2016. Its main purpose is to provide the ECB with comprehensive, detailed and harmonised statistical information on the money markets in the euro area. They are a necessary set of statistics for monetary policy purposes in the euro area.

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