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“New Face of the Euro” exhibition opens in Osnabrück

25 January 2015
  • The exhibition will run from 25 January until 3 May 2015 at the Kulturgeschichtliches Museum
  • Opening ceremony held in the Peace Hall of the Osnabrück Town Hall

The “New Face of the Euro” exhibition was officially opened today by ECB Executive Board member Yves Mersch, Deutsche Bundesbank Executive Board member Carl-Ludwig Thiele, De Nederlandsche Bank Governing Board member Frank Elderson and the Mayor of Osnabrück, Wolfgang Griesert. Featuring interactive applications and games as well as modules on the history of money and the security features that protect banknotes against counterfeiting, the exhibition gives residents of and visitors to Osnabrück the opportunity to find out more about the euro banknotes and coins.

“The bridges and arches of the euro banknotes are a symbol of European integration”, said Yves Mersch in the hall where the Peace of Westphalia, which brought the Thirty Years War to an end, was signed in 1648. “They stand for the fact that there is a lot which connects us within the Monetary Union, and that our once so divided continent has succeeded in overcoming these deep divisions”.

The exhibition will run at the Kulturgeschichtliches Museum in Osnabrück from 25 January until 3 May 2015. In cooperation with the museum, the Bundesbank will organise guided tours. Shortly after the new €20 banknote is unveiled on 24 February 2015, visitors to the exhibition will be given the opportunity to have a close look at the latest denomination of the Europa banknote series.

For media queries, please contact William Lelieveldt, tel.: +49 69 1344 7316.


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