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ECB’s environmental policy is re-awarded EMAS certification

3 August 2012

The ECB has recently been re-awarded environmental certification in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard and the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), after having been environmentally certified for the first time in 2010. This is a recognition of the ECB’s long-term commitment to continuously improve its environmental performance, in particular by minimising its ecological footprint and carbon emissions.

The ECB first adopted an environmental policy in 2007 and in order to ensure that its objectives are achieved, the ECB has implemented an Environmental Management System (EMS) in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard and EMAS which covers all activities at the ECB’s premises. The ECB is now publishing the second update of its environmental statement. The statement outlines achievements in terms of environmental performance recorded over the past years, as well as environmental aspects, objectives, targets and measures to be taken within the framework of the next environmental programme.

Environmental achievements

The past year marks another accomplishment in terms of the recognition of the ECB’s efforts to reduce its environmental footprint and its commitment to address challenges beyond those presented by the financial crisis. The main accomplishment of the EMS has been the positive trend in environmental performance. The ECB’s 2011 carbon footprint was calculated at about 9,000 tonnes of carbon emissions, which represents a decrease of about 30% compared with 2009.

Other environmental achievements include: the switch to renewable energy for all ECB premises and for the construction site of the new ECB premises; the fact that almost 100% of the paper used internally by the ECB (for copying and printing purposes) is fully recycled and “Blue Angel” labelled; and the application of Deutsche Bahn’s corporate programme for travelling carbon-free by rail.

The ECB is dedicated to further improving its environmental performance by 2013. The focus will be on increasing staff awareness and a commitment to support the objective to reduce the ECB’s total carbon footprint by an additional 10%. For more information about the ECB’s environmental actions and plans, please download the attached link to the 2012 update of the ECB’s environmental statement.


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