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Second update on the work of the digital euro scheme’s Rulebook Development Group

3 January 2024

The European Central Bank (ECB) has published a report summarising the progress made by the digital euro scheme’s Rulebook Development Group (RDG). Since the last update in June 2023, the RDG has drafted the first chapters of the digital euro rulebook in line with the legislative proposal and the digital euro design decisions approved by the Governing Council of the ECB.

This first draft of the rulebook is an intermediate version which covers: (i) the functional and operational models, including the end-to-end flows describing the functioning of all use cases and services relating to a digital euro; (ii) the technical scheme requirements depicting a high-level architecture and standards which should potentially be considered in a digital euro landscape; and (iii) the adherence model setting out the rights and obligations of scheme members in accordance with the draft legislation.

Over the past months, RDG members – representing consumers, retailers and intermediaries – have been involved in preparing the various chapters of the first draft of the rulebook, which have already been shared with RDG members for an interim review. This process is an opportunity for all stakeholders involved to review the rulebook as it currently stands. Based on the feedback received as part of this process, the RDG will consider making adjustments to this first draft as required.

The draft rulebook will be sufficiently flexible to accommodate any future adjustments and will be updated in accordance with the outcome of the digital euro legislative process. Throughout the digital euro preparation phase, the RDG will carry out further work aimed at finalising the rulebook and will include additional sections on: (i) minimum requirements for user experience, (ii) branding and communication standards, (iii) certification, (iv) testing and approval procedures, (v) internal rules, (vi) risk management, and (vii) interoperability and implementation specifications.

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