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ECB hosts first digital euro Rulebook Development Group meeting

3 March 2023

On 15 February 2023 the first digital euro Rulebook Development Group (RDG) meeting was held at the European Central Bank (ECB). The Group was established by the Eurosystem’s High-Level Task Force on Central Bank Digital Currency to assist with the drafting of a preliminary rulebook for a potential digital euro scheme by investigating rules, practices and standards that could support the distribution and operation of a digital euro.

The agenda and minutes of each RDG meeting will be published on the ECB’s website, along with regular updates on the progress made.

Once a first draft of the Rulebook is ready, ample public consultation will be organised to collect feedback from all interested parties. The drafting process will be sufficiently flexible to accommodate potential adjustments based on the outcome of the public consultation and the overall evolution of the digital euro project.

In addition to the RDG, a number of Rulebook development workstreams are expected to be launched to focus on the sections of the Rulebook that require specific skills and expertise. Calls for expression of interest will be issued in due course to identify potential candidates, who will then be selected by the digital euro team based on their experience.

Please keep monitoring the ECB’s website to get updates on the digital euro.

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