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Pre-announcement of the digital euro market research

16 December 2022

In January 2023, in the context of the investigation phase of the digital euro project, the ECB will invite market participants to take part in market research to obtain an overview of options for the technical design of possible digital euro components and services. This will provide important input for an implementation plan – a key deliverable of the investigation phase.

The digital euro investigation phase is due to end in September 2023. No decision on a realisation phase or on the possible issuance of a digital euro has been taken yet.

The market research will consist of a set of questions to obtain technical input, as well as cost and time estimations. This exercise will provide the digital euro project with important insights.

All responses to the market research will be treated confidentially. The market research will be open for responses for six weeks. During this period the Eurosystem will publish answers to questions received on the ECB’s website.

Participation will not be remunerated. It will not have any impact on eligibility for future procurement procedures related to a digital euro or any other procurement procedures. Nor will it imply any pre-selection for a potential subsequent tender. The ECB intends to publish the findings of the market research in the second quarter of 2023.

Please keep monitoring the ECB’s website to get updates on the digital euro.