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Slovenian market joins TIPS

20 January 2021

The TARGET Instant Payment Settlement service (TIPS) welcomes the Slovenian market, with Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d. and Sberbank banka d.d. joining the platform as direct participants.

TIPS is a pan-European service for settling electronic payments instantly, every day of the year. Banks and payment service providers can join TIPS either as direct participants, by opening an account in TIPS, or as reachable parties, by entering into an agreement with a direct participant. The platform currently connects 3,940 participants across Europe.

Other banks that have joined TIPS as direct participants in the last month are UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Caixa de Crédito de Leiria and ING Bank N.V. The full list of TIPS participants and reachable parties is available on the ECB’s website.