Focus session (virtual)
Eurosystem Collateral Management System
When, where
3 June 2022, 09:30-12:00 CET
Virtual event
- 9:20
Registration and login
- 9:30
Practical information
- 9:30
Welcome address
The new Eurosystem Collateral Management System (ECMS), is part of the Eurosystem TARGET Services and will bring cash, securities and collateral management closer together thus optimising liquidity management in central bank money for market participants in the EU. In this context, the ECMS is the new system set to go live in November 2023. Learn more about the ongoing project and how it will plug into the current and evolving TARGET Services.
- Dimitri Pattyn, Deputy Director General, ECB
- 9:50
What benefits will the Eurosystem Collateral Management System bring?
SlidesThe ECMS replaces the 19 local systems run by national central banks to manage assets used as collateral for Eurosystem credit operations. What new functionalities will ECMS bring? What will change compared to today’s setup?
- Audren Plançon, Senior Expert, ECB
- 10:15
Connectivity to Eurosystem Single Market Infrastructure Gateway
The Eurosystem Collateral Management System (ECMS) will be accessible through the Eurosystem Single Market Infrastructure Gateway (ESMIG). What do you need to know to connect to ECMS via ESMIG? Learn how to connect from the network service providers.
- 10:45
Preparing for user testing and migration
SlidesThe Eurosystem Collateral Management System (ECMS) will go-live in November 2023. To ensure that everyone is ready on time strategies for testing and migration have been put in place. Where are we today and what needs to be done in the months ahead?
- Manas Manjari Sinha, Expert, ECB
- 11:15
How ready is the market?
SlidesThe ECB conducts regular market readiness surveys. How prepared is the market now? Where is special attention needed?
- Jean-Pierre De Haeck, Team Lead, ECB
- 11:30
Closing remarks
- Dimitri Pattyn, Deputy Director General, ECB
- 12:00
End of event
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