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Policy options to reduce the climate insurance protection gap

ECB-EIOPA workshop

Monday, 22 May 2023
European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main (hybrid event)

Following the publication of a Discussion Paper on “Policy options to reduce the climate insurance protection gap”, the ECB and EIOPA will hold a joint Workshop to have a wider discussion on policies to reduce the protection gap with regulators, policymakers, academics, and representatives from the private sector. 

Registration form 

While in-person participation is possible, capacity constraints may necessitate some participants to attend virtually. The organisers will seek to confirm physical participation within 3 working days of a registration being made.


Times are Central European Time (UTC+1)

Monday, 22 May 2022

Opening remarks

Moderator: Irene Heemskerk, ECB


  • Luis De Guindos, Vice-President of the ECB
  • Petra Hielkema, EIOPA Chairperson


Presentation of the ECB-EIOPA Discussion Paper on Policy options to reduce the climate insurance protection gap

Moderator: Irene Heemskerk, ECB


  • Sujit Kapadia, ECB
  • Dimitris Zafeiris, EIOPA


Coffee break


Panel 1: Private insurance sector and capital market initiatives to reduce the climate insurance protection gap

Moderator: Justin Wray, EIOPA


  • Shigeru Ariizumi, Japan Financial Services Agency
  • Larisa Dragomir, European Commission
  • Jérôme Haegeli, Swiss Re
  • Belinda Storey, Climate Sigma


Lunch break


Panel 2: The role of the public sector in supporting financial resilience against catastrophes and incentivising adaptation

Moderator: Christiane Nickel, ECB


  • Ekhosuehi Iyahen, Insurance Development Forum
  • Olivier Mahul, World Bank
  • Robert Muir-Wood, Risk Management Solutions
  • Debora Revoltella, European Investment Bank


Conclusions and wrap up

Audiovisual notice: Images and video recordings may be published online.

Please note that this programme may be subject to change without notice.

General information

European Central Bank
Room M3.28/29
Sonnemannstrasse 20
60314 Frankfurt am Main

Conference language



Iglika Stancheva


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