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ESCB Legal conference 2022 – Speakers

Frédéric Allemand

Frédéric Allemand is a researcher in law at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance of the University of Luxembourg, and also an associate researcher at the Polytechnic University of Valenciennes.

He lectures on European economic law, Public finance and EU legislative procedures at Sciences Po Paris, SciencesPo Rennes, the Institut national du service public, and the University of Lille.

Before joining the University of Luxembourg, Mr Allemand spent five years as a researcher then as coordinator of the European Integration Studies Department at the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe – a Luxembourg-based public research centre. He also worked in the ECB’s legal department, in the French Secretariat-General for European Affairs, in the French Senate and for several European and French think tanks.

Mr Allemand is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris and also holds a PhD in Public Law. He specialises in EU law and economic governance law. He has authored more than seventy scholarly publications, mainly on EMU. Since 2017 he is editor-in-chief of the Revue de l’euro, an interdisciplinary OA journal on Economic and Monetary Union.

Laura André

Laura André is member of the European Commission’s Legal Services and an agent of the European Commission before the CJEU.

She focuses on legal issues relating to the public procurement of the European institutions and to the interpretation of contracts.

Before joining the Legal Service, she worked as a legal and procurement officer for the Directorate-General for Informatics (2016-2019).

Prior to joining the European Commission, Laura André was a Senior Associate in the “Litigation and Dispute Resolution” Department of the law firm Stibbe in Brussels, where she specialised in cross-border litigation with a particular focus on contractual and commercial law.

Laura André studied law at the University of Liege.

Jess Cheng

Jess Cheng is senior counsel at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

There she specializes in a broad spectrum of payment system issues, including policy analysis of digital assets, stablecoins, and central bank digital currencies, and oversight of the Federal Reserve’s payment services, including the FedNow Service.

She was formerly counsel at the International Monetary Fund, where she advised on the strategic direction of the Fund’s fintech work agenda and provided technical assistance to advance law reform in central bank legislation. Previously, she was deputy general counsel at Ripple, a San Francisco-based fintech company specializing in DLT-based cross-border payment solutions. Prior to Ripple, she was counsel and officer at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and an associate at the New York law firm Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz. She holds a B.A. in economics from Yale University and a J.D. from Columbia Law School.

She currently serves as the Vice Chair of the American Bar Association’s Uniform Commercial Code Committee of the Business Law Section.

Martin Benisch

Since May 2022, Martin Benisch is acting Head of the Legislation Division (LEG) and, since 2015, Head of the Banknotes Procurement and Accounting Law Section (BPAL).

LEG is in charge of all translations and revision of ECB and banking supervision (SSM) legal acts. It consists of a team of Lawyer Linguists that are covering all 24 official languages of the European Union. BPAL covers institutional law issues related to contract and procurement, banknotes, accounting and audit, privileges and immunities, tax law and intellectual property rights.

Martin worked before in the Legal Department of the Deutsche Bundesbank. In 1994, he joined the predecessor of the ECB, the European Monetary Institute and became ECB staff from the outset in 1998. Martin has the First and Second State Exam (Universität Bayreuth, OLG Bamberg) and an LL.M. from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel on international and comparative law.

Marco Cipriani

Marco Cipriani is the head of the Money and Payments Studies Department in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Research Group.

His research interests include Experimental Finance, Financial Markets Microstructure, Non-Bank Financial Institutions, and Social Learning in Financial Markets.

Before joining the bank, Marco was a senior economist at the International Monetary Fund and an Associate Professor of Economics at George Washington University. Marco holds a Ph.D. from New York University.

Maarten Daman

Maarten Daman is Data Protection Officer (DPO) of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) since September 2020.

Before joining the ECB in 2016, he has worked for the International Court of Justice, the principle judicial organ of the United Nations, the European Police Office (EUROPOL) and as genocide researcher in Rwanda. Maarten has lectured at the University of Copenhagen and is a reservist Legal Advisor of the Belgian Armed Forces.

Maarten holds a LL.M in international public law (cum laude) from the University of Edinburgh and a Master in Law (magna cum laude) from the University of Antwerp.

Jeff Dirix

Jeff Dirix works as a senior legal counsel and head of the Corporate Law Division in the Legal Department of the NBB.

He joined the National Bank of Belgium (NBB) in 2011, immediately after finishing his law studies at the university of Leuven (KU Leuven). In 2017, Jeff was seconded to the ECB on a short-term basis where he worked for the Institutional Law Division of the Directorate General Legal Services.

Jeff has experience in various areas of law, in particular institutional law, corporate governance, accounting law, fiscal law, public access law and public procurement law.

Within the Eurosystem, Jeff is member of the LEGCO Task on VAT issues and of the Ethics and Compliance Conference.

Besides his job as legal counsel of the NBB, Jeff is active as a musician (pianist and conductor). Among other musical activities, he is the conductor and cofounder of The Bank Notes, a choir of NBB staff members.

Seraina Grünewald

Seraina Grünewald is full professor and holds the Chair for European and Comparative Financial Law at Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands.

She is a member of the Academic Board of the European Banking Institute (EBI), a member of the Sustainable Finance Lab in the Netherlands and affiliated as an academic fellow with the interdisciplinary University Research Priority Programme Financial Market Regulation at the University of Zurich.

She is a well-known expert in the field of financial and monetary law, with a focus on central banking, bank resolution, Banking Union and sustainable finance, and is frequently invited to present at international and European authorities, including at the IMF, the ECB, the European Stability Mechanism and the Single Resolution Board.

Her research has benefited from the ECB Legal Research Programme as well as scholarships from the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Swiss-American Society. In 2020, she co-authored a comprehensive study on the legal foundations of the digital euro.

Hilde Hardeman

Hilde Hardeman is Director-General of the Publications Office of the EU as of 1 December 2021.

Prior to that, she served as Head of the European Commission's Service for Foreign Policy Instruments. She joined the Commission in 1994 and, since then, she

  • held the position of Deputy Head of Cabinet to the Commission's Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness
  • headed the Commission President's briefing team
  • was in charge of the units for relations with Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus.

Hilde Hardeman holds a PhD in Slavic philology and history from the University of Leuven, which she obtained after studies at Leuven, Stanford University and the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris. She was visiting professor at the College of Europe.

Otto Heinz

Otto Heinz is heading up all financial law related matters of the European Central Bank as Head of the Financial Law Division.

This includes inter, alia the legal aspects of the ECB’s monetary policy implementation (including collateral policy, market interventions, global central banking cooperation), financial litigation, regulatory matters, payment settlement infrastructures and foreign reserve management.

Otto is a member of the Eurosystem’s legal committee. In addition he is Chairman of the European Financial Market Lawyers’ Group, comprising senior lawyers from different banks from the European Union.

He previously worked in investment banking for Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers and Bank of America in London as a Director. He was in charge of debt and equity capital markets and M&A activities in and outside Europe. He also worked for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, with focus on project finance transactions in Central and Eastern Europe. He taught part time on the London School of Economics and the Central European University.

Otto has B.A: in Economics from the Budapest University of Economics, Doctor Juris from ELTE University Budapest, LLM in German Law from the University of Trier, and LLM in European Law from the University of Oxford.

Carmen Hernández

Carmen Hernández Saseta works as Head of Section at the supervisory law division within the Directorate General Legal Services of the European Central Bank.

She joined the ECB on 2013 from Bank of Spain to assist in the preparatory phase and implementation of the Single Supervisory Mechanism.

Prior to work at the legal departments of the ECB and Bank of Spain she developed a career at the private sector, practising as a lawyer in the fields of EU and competition law in one of the leading firms in Spain.

Isabell Köpfer

Isabell Köpfer is currently Adviser in the Banknotes, Procurement and Accounting Section within the ECB Institutional Law Division.

Isabell joined the ECB in 2007 and has 20 years’ work experience in contract and procurement law. She has previously worked for GIZ (Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit), a German government owned organisation in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and at the international law firm Allen & Overy LLP.

Isabell has studied at the University Nanterre (Paris), the University of London (SOAS) and Wolfgang-Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. She has a postgraduate in EU Law from the University of London and obtained a PhD in Environmental Law from the Wolfgang-Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.

Klaus Lackhoff

Klaus Lackhoff has been Head of Section in the Supervisory Law Division of the ECB’s Directorate General Legal Services since June 2015.

His section deals in particular with CRR-related issues.

Before joining the ECB in 2015, he worked for more than 15 years at an international law firm. He advised on a broad range of financing transactions and on banking supervisory issues and was involved in the ECB’s preparations for its supervisory tasks in the SSM and the drafting of the SSM Framework Regulation.

Klaus has earned a Doctor Iuris from the University of Münster, with a thesis on the freedom of establishment, an LL.M. from the University of Iowa, with a paper entitled Restrictions on State Interference with Commerce in the U.S.A. and the EC, and a Master of European Law degree from the University of Saarbrücken.

Ross Leckow

Ross Leckow is currently serving as Acting Head of Innovation Hub of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland.

In this capacity, Mr. Leckow is responsible for managing the BIS Innovation Hub’s global operations. Mr. Leckow was previously Senior Adviser Fintech – Strategy and Legal, where he advised on the Hub’s strategy and work programme, led all work on the Hub’s institutional design and expansion into new jurisdictions, and was responsible for all legal matters relating to the Hub.

Before joining the BIS in 2019, Mr. Leckow served as Deputy General Counsel in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington, DC. He directed the Legal Department’s work on IMF crisis lending operations in member countries, the design of the legal and policy framework governing IMF activities, and the provision of legal policy advice to member countries on issues of financial sector reform. Beginning in 2015, Mr. Leckow co-led the development of the IMF’s extensive Fintech programme comprising both policy development and country operations.

Prior to joining the IMF, Mr. Leckow practiced law in the private and public sectors in Canada. He lectures frequently on issues of international monetary and financial law, including Fintech, and has published extensively.

Sandrine Letocart

Sandrine Letocart is Principal Legal Counsel in the ECB’s Supervisory Law Division.

She has worked at the ECB since 2005 in various roles, notably in the Legislation Division, as Secretary to the Legal Committee (LEGCO) and was seconded to the ESCB International and Coordination Unit of the National Bank of Belgium.

Sandrine held academic positions of teaching assistant at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Company Law) and at Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi (European law, Company Law). She started her professional life at the Brussels Bar, working in one of the largest independent law firms in Belgium providing legal advice in various fields of business law.

Sandrine has a Master’s degrees in law and in business law from the Université Libre de Bruxelles and a holds a degree in European Law from the Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Filip Lulić

Filip Lulić is currently a part of the Legal Knowledge Management Team.

There he is mainly working on department’s digitalisation agenda, bridging the gap between law and IT in projects like developing knowledge hubs, legal taxonomies, automated workflows and legislative databases.

Filip Lulić holds a Master of Laws degree from University of Rijeka, Croatia. After working for several companies in the private sector, he moved to Frankfurt to join Legal Services of the European Central Bank. Over the years, he specialised in managing legal tech and AI projects.

Filip is a keen practitioner of legal design thinking and knowledge visualisation techniques, and also publishes articles in the domain, speaks at conferences, and shares his know-how in a community of practice he facilitates.

Giorgia Marafioti

Giorgia Marafioti is Senior Legal Counsel in the Supervisory Law Division of the ECB’s Directorate General Legal Services.

Since 2017, she has been providing legal advice to the ECB’s banking supervision arm and representing the ECB before the CJEU in various cases relating to banking supervision. Prior to joining the ECB, she spent four years in the Banking Supervision Department of Banca d’Italia.

Ms Marafioti started her career in an international law firm, where she focused on corporate and banking law issues and international arbitration. She graduated at the Luiss University in Rome and she is admitted to practice in Italy.

Rafael Martín Lozano

Rafael Martín Lozano is a senior lawyer serving in the Regulatory and Supervisory Advice Division at the Banco de España’s Legal Department since March 2014.

He advises on legal issues relating to supervision and resolution of credit institutions, including on the drafting of related legislation. He also worked for the Supervisory Law Division of the ECB’s Directorate General Legal Services between 2017 and 2019, providing legal advice on topics related to the Single Supervisory Mechanism framework.

Prior to joining the Banco de España´s Legal Department, Rafael worked for Garrigues law firm from 2009 to 2014, where his practice was focus on public law and regulated sectors, providing legal advice to companies and public administrations. He holds an Executive Master in Business Law and is graduated in law and business administration at Comillas Pontifical University in Madrid.

Karolina Mojzesowicz

Karolina Mojzesowicz is the Deputy Head of Unit of the unit responsible for data protection at the European Commission (DG Justice and Consumers).

She was one of the Commission's representatives in the interinstitutional negotiations with Parliament and Council on the General data Protection Regulation (GDPR). She is now responsible for its implementation in the EU.

Mrs Mojzesowicz previously served as a member of the European Commission's Legal Service, focusing on EU Competition law and International Trade law. In that capacity, she represented the Commission in numerous cases before the European Courts and before the WTO panels and Appellate Body.

Mrs Mojzesowicz studied law in Poland, the Netherlands and Germany where she obtained her PhD in 2001.

Panagiotis Papapaschalis

Panagiotis Papapaschalis is currently Senior Lead Legal Counsel at the Directorate General Legal Services of the European Central Bank, dealing, i.a. with Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs), Fintech and Cybersecurity.

Prior to that, he has worked as: (i) Senior Counsel (on secondment) at the International Monetary Fund’s Legal Department, dealing i.a. with technical assistance on central bank, banking and FMI legislation, and as Legal Team Leader with the European Securities and Markets Authority.

He holds two LLM degrees in financial law (Aristotle University, Greece and Fordham University, USA) and is admitted to practice in New York, Greece, and England and Wales.

Marie Potel-Saville

Marie Potel-Saville is the founder of Amurabi, a legal innovation by design agency.

Before founding Amurabi, she worked in private practice for 10 years (Freshfields, Allen & Overy) in Europe, then moved in-house to become GC EMEA of a US listed group. She holds a Master’s Degree in Innovation by Design at ENSCI.

Professional thesis: Shaping the law to restore its function

She is also a member of the Advisory Board of the Serpentine Galleries’ Legal Lab, is involved in pro bono access to access initiatives and teaches innovation by design at Singapore Management University, Sciences Po and Assas.

Imène Rahmouni-Rousseau

Imène Rahmouni-Rousseau is the Director General of Market Operations at the ECB, in charge of implementing the single monetary policy for the euro area, together with the National Central Banks of the Eurosystem.

Her responsibilities include lending operations and collateral, asset purchase programmes, and foreign exchange reserve management, as well as market monitoring and intelligence.

Imène sits in the BIS Markets Committee and chairs the ECB Market Operations Committee and the Bond Market Contact Group. She was previously the Director of Markets at Banque de France, the French central bank, and worked for five years at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, where she led the vulnerability analysis team of the Financial Stability Board Secretariat.

She is the author of a number of articles on financial markets and monetary policy implementation, most recently on the scarcity effect of quantitative easing on repo rates, published in the Journal of Financial Economics. Imène has also co-chaired a 2018 BIS Markets Committee report on monitoring of fast-paced markets and co-authored several articles on financial innovation (CDOs, hedge funds, ETFs, shadow banking..). She holds a Master’s degree in economics and finance from Ecole Centrale de Paris (1997) and from Sciences-Po (1998).

Kerstin Schaepersmann

Kerstin Schaepersmann is a counsel in the Frankfurt office of Clifford Chance.

With more than 15 years of experience, she specialises in German and European banking and capital markets laws, with a particular emphasis on regulatory law, including the regulation of derivatives and financial market infrastructures. She has also advised on numerous securitisation and other structured finance transactions, including for the purposes of regulatory capital management and on issuances eligible as collateral for Eurosystem credit operations.

She studied law at the Universities of Trier and Lund/Sweden from 1995 to 2000 and completed the Second State Examination in 2002. After starting her career with Clifford Chance in 2003, she completed a secondment at KfW.

Audrone Steiblyte

Audronė Steiblytė has been a member of the Legal Service of the European Commission since 2002, currently working in the area of State aid with particular focus inter alia on banks, insurance and financial services.

During the period from 2013 to 2022, in her capacity of the member of the Legal Service, she was directly involved in the creation and development of the Banking Union and her field of expertise covered bank supervision, bank resolution, capital requirements, European Supervisory Authorities, as well as sustainable finance.

Previously a lecturer at Mykolas Riomeris University and a government official she was directly involved in the EU accession negotiations of Lithuania. She represented the European Commission in more than 350 court cases before the CJEU. She published in the field of Union law, with specific emphasis on banking law, free movement of capital as well as Union cohesion policy and structural instruments.

György Varhelyi

György K. Várhelyi is Lead Legal Counsel in the ECB’s Directorate Legal Services and an agent of the ECB before the CJEU.

He focuses on financial law-related matters such as the legal aspects of the ECB’s monetary policy implementation, including non-standard measures.

He previously worked as an attorney at law with Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher and Flom LLP and then in investment banking at BNP Paribas. He was in charge of equity and equity-linked capital market transactions and M&A activities in and outside Europe. Mr Várhelyi has been admitted to the Paris Bar Association. He graduated from the Magistère and holds an LL.M. in commercial and corporate law from the University Panthéon-Assas Paris II.

Chiara Zilioli

Chiara Zilioli has dedicated her entire working life to the European integration project.

In 1989 she joined the Legal Service of the Council of Ministers in Brussels, moving to the Legal Service of the European Monetary Institute in 1995 and subsequently to the ECB as Head of Division in Legal Services in 1998, where she was appointed Director General in 2013.

Ms Zilioli holds an LLM from Harvard Law School and a PhD from the European University Institute. Since 1994 she lectures at Goethe University Frankfurt, at its Institute for Law and Finance and at the European College of Parma, Parma University. In 2016 she was appointed Professor of Law at Goethe University Frankfurt. She has published numerous articles and four books. She is also a member of the Parma Bar Association.

Chiara Zilioli has been married to Andreas Fabritius for more than 30 years; they have four children.

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