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  • European Central Bank workshop

Tracking the economy with high-frequency data

Friday, 16 October 2020
Online event (by invitation)

The COVID-19 pandemic is posing unique challenges to policymakers across the globe. This requires quick and effective action. In times like these, having the right data at the right time is crucial to making informed policy decisions.

The aim of the workshop is to shed light on several dimensions of high-frequency data and their use in our policy process, in the light of the COVID-19 crisis and the ongoing digital transformation of our economies.


Friday, 16 October 2020
Event opened

Introductory remarks


Chair: Frank Smets, European Central Bank, Director General Economics


Keynote speech Monitoring real activity in real time

James H. Stock, Harvard University


Panel discussion: The industry of high-frequency data: a view from the trenches

Chair: João Sousa, European Central Bank, Deputy Director General Economics


Coffee break

Panel Discussion: What is the future of high-frequency data?

Chair: Caroline Willeke, European Central Bank, Deputy Director General Statistics



Closing remarks and conclusions

João Sousa, European Central Bank, Deputy Director General Economics

Please note that this programme may be subject to change without notice.

General information


Online event

Conference language


Organising committee

  • Matteo Ciccarelli, ECB
  • Gabriel Pérez-Quirós, ECB
  • Lorena Saiz, ECB


Lorena Saiz and Stefanie Jetten
+49 69 1344 6350

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