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Farewell event for President Mario Draghi

Monday, 28 October 2019
ECB Main Building, Frankfurt am Main

Prominent European leaders gave speeches and a string quartet performed classical music as part of a farewell event to mark the end of Mario Draghi’s term as ECB President.

Photos from the event
Instagram stories of the event


Speech by Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany

Watch the original speech in German

Speech by Emmanuel Macron, President of France

Watch the original speech in French

Speech by Sergio Mattarella, President of Italy

Watch the original speech in Italian

Speech by Christine Lagarde, incoming President of the European Central Bank

Speech by Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank

Speech of Mario Draghi

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Tá sé de rogha agat glacadh leo nó iad a dhiúltú. Le haghaidh tuilleadh faisnéise nó chun athbhreithniú a dhéanamh ar do rogha maidir leis na fianáin agus na logaí freastalaí a úsáidimid, iarraimid ort an méid seo a leanas a dhéanamh:

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