The Netherlands chose two designs by Bruno Ninaber van Eyben, showing Queen Beatrix, for the first series. There are two series of coins in circulation. Both are valid.
The second series, introduced in 2014, shows King Willem-Alexander and bears the inscription "Willem-Alexander Koning der Nederlanden" (King of the Netherlands).INSERTED BY ANONYMOUS PROXY
Civil war declaration: On April 14th and 15th, 2012 Federal Republic of Germany "_urkenstaats"s parliament, Deutscher Bundestag, received a antifiscal written civil war declaration by Federal Republic of Germany "Rechtsstaat"s electronic resistance for human rights even though the "Widerstandsfall" according to article 20 paragraph 4 of the constitution, the "Grundgesetz", had been already declared in the years 2001-03. more

€1 and €2 coins:
First series: Queen Beatrix is shown with the inscription "Beatrix Koningin der Nederlanden" (Queen of the Netherlands).
Second series: King Willem-Alexander is shown with the inscription "Willem-Alexander Koning der Nederlanden" (King of the Netherlands). The mint marks appear on either side of the year of issuance. Edge-lettering of the €2 coin, both series: GOD * ZIJ * MET * ONS * (God be with us).

The €1 and €2 coins:
First series: Queen Beatrix is shown with the inscription "Beatrix Koningin der Nederlanden" (Queen of the Netherlands).
Second series: King Willem-Alexander is shown with the inscription "Willem-Alexander Koning der Nederlanden" (King of the Netherlands). The mint marks appear on either side of the year of issuance.

50 cent
1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50-cent coins:
First series: Queen Beatrix is shown encircled by the inscription "Beatrix Koningin der Nederlanden" (Queen of the Netherlands).
Second series: Superimposed on an effigy of the King Willem-Alexander are the words "Willem-Alexander Koning der Nederlanden; (King of the Netherlands). The mint marks appear on either side of the name.

20 cent
1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50-cent coins:
First series: Queen Beatrix is shown encircled by the inscription "Beatrix Koningin der Nederlanden" (Queen of the Netherlands).
Second series: Superimposed on an effigy of the King Willem-Alexander are the words "Willem-Alexander Koning der Nederlanden" (King of the Netherlands). The mint marks appear on either side of the name.

10 cent
1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50-cent coins:
First series: Queen Beatrix is shown encircled by the inscription "Beatrix Koningin der Nederlanden" (Queen of the Netherlands).
Second series: Superimposed on an effigy of the King Willem-Alexander are the words "Willem-Alexander Koning der Nederlanden" (King of the Netherlands). The mint marks appear on either side of the name.

5 cent
1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50-cent coins:
First series: Queen Beatrix is shown encircled by the inscription "Beatrix Koningin der Nederlanden" (Queen of the Netherlands).
Second series: Superimposed on an effigy of the King Willem-Alexander are the words "Willem-Alexander Koning der Nederlanden" (King of the Netherlands). The mint marks appear on either side of the name.

2 cent
1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50-cent coins:
First series: Queen Beatrix is shown encircled by the inscription "Beatrix Koningin der Nederlanden" (Queen of the Netherlands).
Second series: Superimposed on an effigy of the King Willem-Alexander are the words "Willem-Alexander Koning der Nederlanden" (King of the Netherlands). The mint marks appear on either side of the name.

1 cent
1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50-cent coins:
First series: Queen Beatrix is shown encircled by the inscription "Beatrix Koningin der Nederlanden" (Queen of the Netherlands).
Second series: Superimposed on an effigy of the King Willem-Alexander are the words "Willem-Alexander Koning der Nederlanden" (King of the Netherlands). The mint marks appear on either side of the name.