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Financial literacy in Europe

Financial literacy is crucial for citizens to successfully navigate the complexities of today's financial landscape. This page showcases national efforts to improve financial literacy across Europe. These initiatives aim to provide individuals with knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions. By sharing successful programmes and resources, we are fostering collaboration and innovation in financial education.

Click on the map below to explore these initiatives and discover how financial literacy is being enhanced across borders.

The European Central Bank is committed to fostering collaboration and innovation in financial literacy among national central banks

Explore diverse projects, access valuable tools, and see how these initiatives are shaping a more financially informed and resilient Europe.

Please select a country


EU member using the euro

EU member since 1995

Euro since 1999 (cash since 2002)

Oesterreichische Nationalbank resources


EU member using the euro

EU founding member in 1957

Euro since 1999 (cash since 2002)

Nationale Bank van België/Banque Nationale de Belgique resources


EU member not using the euro

EU member since 2007

Българска народна банка (Bulgarian National Bank) resources


EU member using the euro

EU member since 2004

Euro since 2008

Central Bank of Cyprus resources

Czech Republic

EU member not using the euro

EU member since 2004

Česká národní banka resources


EU member using the euro

EU founding member in 1957

Euro since 1999 (cash since 2002)

Deutsche Bundesbank resources


EU member not using the euro

EU member since 1973

Danmarks Nationalbank


EU member using the euro

EU member since 1986

Euro since 1999 (cash since 2002)

Banco de España resources


EU member using the euro

EU member since 1995

Euro since 1999 (cash since 2002)

Suomen Pankki - Finlands Bank


EU member using the euro

EU founding member in 1957

Euro since 1999 (cash since 2002)

Banque de France resources


EU member using the euro

EU member since 1981

Euro since 2001 (cash since 2002)

Bank of Greece


EU member using the euro

EU member since 2013

Euro since 2023

Hrvatska narodna banka resoruces


EU member not using the euro

EU member since 2004

Magyar Nemzeti Bank


EU member using the euro

EU member since 1973

Euro since 1999 (cash since 2002)

Central Bank of Ireland resources


EU member using the euro

EU founding member in 1957

Euro since 1999 (cash since 2002)

Banca d'Italia resources


EU member using the euro

EU member since 2004

Euro since 2015

Lietuvos bankas resources


EU member using the euro

EU founding member in 1957

Euro since 1999 (cash since 2002)

Banque centrale du Luxembourg resources


EU member using the euro

EU member since 2004

Euro since 2014

Latvijas Banka resources


Non-EU country


EU member using the euro

EU member since 2004

Euro since 2008

Bank Ċentrali ta’ Malta/Central Bank of Malta resources

The Netherlands

EU member using the euro

EU founding member in 1957

Euro since 1999 (cash since 2002)

De Nederlandsche Bank


EU member not using the euro

EU member since 2004

Narodowy Bank Polski


EU member using the euro

EU member since 1986

Euro since 1999 (cash since 2002)

Banco de Portugal


EU member not using the euro

EU member since 2007

Banca Națională a României resources


EU member not using the euro

EU member since 1995

Sveriges Riksbank


EU member using the euro

EU member since 2004

Euro since 2007

Banka Slovenije resources


EU member using the euro

EU member since 2004

Euro since 2009

Národná banka Slovenska

San Marino

Non-EU country


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ECB International Women’s Day 2025

At an event on 7 March 2025, President Lagarde and five panellists will discuss the importance of financial literacy for central banks and banking supervision authorities and its impact on monetary policy transmission.

Visit the event page

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